Matt Hughes

Matt Hughes

Hi 👋

I'm a full stack web developer with experience in the Financial and Healthcare tech industries

I work with tools like TypeScript // React // Vue // Node // Python // Django // C# // .NET

Professional enterprise projects

I can't link them here, but reach out to me and I'll tell you all about them!

Social Media Suite

Simple features such as posts, likes, and comments. Complex systems like reporting unfit posts, groups with admins, priveleges and permissions.

Financial Enrollment & Transactions

Engaging UI/UX for users signing up for financial benefit programs. Built from scratch with authentication, design system, data service, and more! Separate system for companies to send large amounts of money to savings accounts and view balance, automated email statements.

Tools & Dashboards

Dashboard to see current server status and uptime for data centers across the country. Site pages show overview of savings information, balances, and invite users to engage. Tools to hit API's, generate financial statements, send out batch emails, etc.

Here's a few of my favorite side projects

Animal Crossing Wildlife

Webapp tracker to accompany a popular video game. Allows users to check off achievements and add their friends to see their progress as well. Creating an account is as simple as singing in with Google. ~3,000 total users to date!


Website for users to check their gaming progress. Login with Google to follow your friends and see multi-account activity on a data rich dashboard. Modern tech like NextJS and Go help with efficient page loads and data handling.

I stay in touch with the dev community through Twitch streaming, Discord server interaction, and more!

twitch livestream